Thursday, February 25, 2010

My boy put his foot in this gravy - Biscuits smothered in musroom gravy w/mango saugage

Okay ya'll this boy put his foot in this gravy. No joke. Made me want to slap my momma (sorry mom).

Oooooh wee I'm gonna to miss that boys cooking. Isn't that what the kids say about their mothers when they go off to college. I like to consider myself a master chef. I pride myself in telling people I can cook like my 80 year old grandmother (when I'm not rushing). I also have a contemporary, somewhat healthy, cuisine approach to cooking as well.

When Jordan was growing up I took pride in cooking dinner while he did his homework.
For a minute we had a little routine going. I would put on little Billie Holiday and make him an appetizer; exotic cheese with fruit and nuts. The funny thing about that is we would go to whole foods and sample the cheeses. We would act like we were cheese connoisseurs, talking like the grey poupon guy "what do you think?. I like this one, but there something more smooth about the other. What do you think? Which one do you like best?" When we found one we liked we I would have them cut about a third of the block off so I was only paying $2 or $3 for this extravagant cheese. Amazing, the things we do so our kids can have experiences. I think he liked his little appetizer cheese plates. Sometimes I would have a glass of wine while I cooked dinner and he would sit there nibbling and doing homework until dinner was ready. Yes we sat there together, no TV, the two of us eating dinner and discussing our day. That dinner table was our anchor in the midst of my crazy life.

Well today while I was still at work I text Jordan. "Um I want those smothered biscuits." I swear my son is a master chef. We went grocery shopping on Sunday and we are standing in front of the sausages and he says "I want the mango. Ummmm smothered biscuits with gravy." Like he just envisioned this whole dish standing right there in the grocery store. Cooking is his passion. When I came in the door tonight I smelled something brewing. I didn't get a chance to investigate, because the restroom was calling me. The drive home is long enough and I drink tons of water during the day. Then I continue with my normal routine: take of the jewelry, change my clothes and I hear "Its ready!". I knew exactly what he meant. I couldn't change fast enough.

I could not stop talking while I ate. It was amazing. Something happened a couple of years ago. If I had to sum it in one word I would say "Food Network" - okay that's two words. Food network got into my child and he got in the kitchen. It gradually happened where he would cook on the weekends. Then occasionally during the week and then last year I noticed he cooked more meals then I did. After college he wants to go to culinary school in Europe and open his own restaurant. I know he will do it. I honestly don't think there is anything he can't do. No really I'm not just saying that because it is my child. He's good at anything he tries. It really pisses his peers off sometimes. Really a few weeks ago we were cleaning out the storage and he picked up my guitar and started playing it, and it sounded good. I thought a brotha was about to start singing. I don't even know if he's even picked up a guitar before. I know that was a side bar. Anyway

JD takes his cooking serious. For years he has been complaining how the cafeteria cooks are not clean they handle the money with the same hand as the food, etc, etc. Sometimes they wear gloves. He's the president of his school and the head of the School's Student court. Last week I saw a petition on the table and today I saw the bi-laws of the court. My child is taking the cafeteria to school court. Isn't that something. (Stay tuned for his guest blog) So yes I'm going to miss my chef when he's gone.

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