Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Notre Dame here he comes!!!

Our first video blog. Since I already posted today I figured I would switch it up (Thanks for the suggestion bro). I was just too excited to wait.


  1. OMG! Okay, I will be located about two or three states over, so I will expect to see him!! Whoooo Hoooooooo!!!!!!! You go boy!!!!!! Wow Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! So excited!

  2. Yes, I love the video blog sis'! And CONGRATULATION NEPHEW!!! You are the man! That is AWESOME! Bet you didn't know Notre Dame is Uncle Heath’s college football squad (that makes it extra special)!!! As a congratulatory gesture, I'll drop that P90X in the mail for you tomorrow :)

  3. Wow that's soo amazing! Tell Jordan that I said congratulations! We all have to go out and celebrate. So proud of him!
