Friday, February 25, 2011

A Letter of Love

Adonai T'suri v'go'afi, my love for you exceeds my wildest dreams. The mere presence of you takes the breath you give me away. Overwhelmed by your presence I will never be able to put the magnitude of my love in words. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for giving me rest that restores my soul. Adonai Ro'i you came for me when I didn't feel I deserved you, and you wrapped me in your love so tight the warmth filled my soul satisfying the chill of loneliness as if it were a heated blanket on a snow filled day. I cherish every moment I spend with you. Elohei Ma'uzzi, our relationship has grown to new heights I now know what true love is and what it feels like to know someone has my back, front and all sides. I am the luckiest woman alive. No other will ever be able to compare to what you have shown me. You lead me, you lift me when I'm down, you encourage me and protect me. You shield me, hold me when I'm hurt and cherish my mere existence. Your love gives me goose bumps. You complete me. There is no me without you. Peleh yo'etz, I could have never made it without you. I honor and cherish you. I love you and thank you for loving me. Adoni, I never knew I could love you like this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! So powerful! BEAUTIFUL poem! GREAT poem! I LOVE IT!!! "I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1
