Sunday, October 23, 2011

Toxicity...who are YOU allergic too?

So I am detoxing again, but this time it is a little different than usual. No, I am not posting insanely grotesque pictures of my poo. So if that's what you are looking for you can stop reading now.
Usually two to three times a year I do a detox. It is so cleansing and invigorating. Most of you are familiar with all the detox fads. My favorite is the lemonade one. No food. Its a real cleanse. (**this is not a promotion for you to do this yourself - just my experience). I always detox with a spiritual fast as well and I come out of the other side of my detox renewed. My skin is impeccable. I am more at peace. I am overall happier. My body usually tells me when it is too toxic and it's time for a detox.

Some of the warning signs of toxicity are:

  • headaches

  • fatigue

  • weight gain

  • aching muscles and joints

  • poor concentration/memory

  • digestive complaints

Even for those who do not partake in such detox adventures they can usually sense in their bodies when it is time to shut it down. Too much junk food. Too much alcohol. Too much caffeine. Basically just too much of anything can cause a flare up. One area of toxicity no one wants to admit is the toxicity of people. Yes I said it. Interestingly enough some things/people have more toxicity than others.


1. The degree to which a substance is toxic

Other definitions are: the degree in which something is poisonous or grave harmfulness or deadliness.


How do you know if a person its toxic you may ask? Well, check the warning signs above. I think they apply here too. Like food I think we can label people. Too much of anything can kill you; whether it be chugging alcohol or chugging water. The goal is to know the toxic level of all things in your life. In order to do that you must be in tune with yourself. Not just going through the motions like most people do. We never want to admit when things are toxic especially people. But EVERYTHING has its toxicity level. For instance a person may only become toxic to us under certain circumstances.

Like bleach using a few drops to clean the bacteria out of the sink has a much lower toxicity than boiling it on the stove or drinking a full glass. There are some people you must relegate to taking in small doses. You may find they are "gravely harmful" in a much larger doses. There are those you may only be able to take in single drops while others you can drink like a tall glass of water. Identifying these levels may take some time or trial and error. You may have to completely remove the person only to add them back into the mix in small doses to test out their toxicity. Allergist do it all the time. They put you on a strict diet only to add certain foods back in one at a time. Doing this lets you know what you are and are not allergic too. People I know who have eczema do it. They know that having an occasional piece of cake may give them a little itch, but eating a slue of desserts over an entire weekend will cause a major flare up.

What must also be taken in to consideration is the combination of certain people. For instance it may be toxic to get your best friend and your sister in the same room for a long period of time. In that situation you know having a light tea with the both of them would be better than all day at the spa. That could possibly be "deadly".

I think discovery toxicity levels is much more valuable than throwing the baby out with the bath water. Which some of us may still have to do at times in our lives. Like throwing over heavy cargo when the ship is sinking. Not that I am totally equating people to heavy cargo. Just some people may weigh you down so much you will sink with them. But I find that to only be a tactic done in extreme circumstances.

When doing your toxicity inventory it is important do take responsibility and also inventory your own actions that have toxicity. This may be the most difficult labeling of all. No one really ever likes to look in the mirror, but this area can't be ignored.

DETOXING IS NEVER EASY. There are also symptoms that come along with detoxing. Headaches, nausea, acne, bad breathe, fatigue, etc. Very similar to the signs of knowing you must detox. When you are detoxing from people or bad habits you will most likely have similar symptoms: anger, digestive challenges, mood swings, depression - the list goes on. Though the difference with these symptoms is that they are short lived. However, you will get through them if you stay focused. And when you do the results are priceless.

Needless to say I am detoxing again, but this time it is more of an inventory of the toxicity of things/people in my life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ride the bull until it's time to fight!

Life can be either a bull fight or a bull ride depending on who you are. I think most people think of it as a bull fight. They look it in the face and try to earnestly duck and dodge to not get hurt. They toy with it and tease it; chasing the all time adrenaline rush, dodging danger just in the nick of time. Daily life should be a ride not a fight. Fighting it is nerve racking to most and.... a completely out of control method.

Since "My name is Natasha and I am a control freak" I like to ride the bull. I must say I am bias and believe this is the best way to go through life. Riding it. Enjoying the journey - not fighting your every move. However, It also gives the control freak in me a sense of satisfaction. The bull has a mind of its own. Like life, it will take you somewhere whether you control it or not. Though, I must say I like thinking the spurs of my boots and my grip on the rope around life's neck gives me a sense of control. Its exilerating! The possibilities excite you. The opportunities are endless. You can feel the wind beneath your dreams and the passion on fire inside you, until it gives you a real good buck and you are flat on your butt facing life head on. This is when you are supposed to fight. At that very moment its the best of both worlds. Riding the bull to fighting the bull in an instance. This is where you fight your way to the next level of growth. You are staring the bull square in the face. It is intent on trampling you. You can almost feel the hot mist from its notrils. Life cannot get the best of you. You cannot afford to be afraid.

Only then do you fight the good fight. And enjoy EVERY minute of it - WITHOUT FEAR. Fear will hold you back. It is the killer of possibilities. It strangles opportunities. It will paralyze the very move that will take you to the freedom you DESERVE. Fear will suffocate you and suck the air out of your dreams. Fear will keep you living a mediocre life. Fear will douse water on your passions; putting out any flame that will bring you happiness. Do not turn your back on fear to ignore it, because it will trample your desires and ultimately kill your soul. No matter how scary life looks or how beat down you are, there is still more fight in you. Fight for your life. Look life square in the eye. Put the spurs on your boots and grab your rope. It's time to take a ride.

Ride the bull until it is time to fight!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Produced By Faith Book Review

Produced By Faith: Enjoying Real Success Without Losing Your True Self

Click here to order via Amazon

By DeVon Franklin

Format: Hardcover, 288 pages

ISBN-10: 1439171033

ISBN-13: 9781439171035

On Sale: May 3, 2011

Publisher: Howard Books/An Imprint of Simon & Schuster

Reviewed by Natasha Dixon

Very rarely does a book come along that can truly help give you direction for your life. The last book I read that seemed to do this was The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Today I can add another book to the list of such greats. Produced By Faith: Enjoying Real Success Without Losing Your True Self by DeVon Franklin (Producer of Karate Kid, Pursuit of Happiness, Not Easily Broken, and Jump the Broom) is a guide for living your life fully without compartmentalizing or compromising any aspect of yourself.

Produced By Faith parallels the steps of producing a film with the reader’s life. It is divided into two sections, development and production. At first glance the table of contents seems impersonal: What’s the Big Idea, Selling It, Writing the Script, Getting Notes, Development Hell, God’s Budget and Production Schedule, It’s All About Casting, and God’s Green Light. However, these chapters do more than just tell you what goes into producing a movie. They guide you through the most important production you will ever be involved in, your life.

Produced By Faith is a very personal book that encourages the reader to review how they have been doing life. It gives practical steps to help you through the process. At the end of each chapter there is a list of questions that everyone should ask themselves at some point in their career; Making this more than just another stagnant book that goes on the shelf after its read. It has somewhat of a workbook or reference book quality, with a very conversational style. There is also a transparent quality to this book, because of the personal accounts of Mr. Franklin’s experience that have been weaved throughout. He gives insight into his journey from intern to Vice President at Sony Pictures.

This book comes from a faith based perspective, but it is also a practical guide for those who may not be believers; going as far as to say it is a good beginner’s manual for someone interested in producing alone. This is a book that should be handed out at airports, train stations, and bus stations to every bright eyed and bushy tailed artist coming to make it in Hollywood. At the same time it is a great read everyone, in any line of work, can enjoy and implement. When you finish reading this book you will have a renewed faith; faith in God, faith in yourself, and faith in the unlimited possibilities for your life.

Meet the Author:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are all creative minds created equally?

I am getting my creative itch once again. It lay dormant for two years. Which anyone who knows me, they know that is a rarity in my world. Actually, it didn't lay dormant. I suppressed it for two years. The wheels of my mind are always turning. Actually, more like spinning out of control. It is constantly creating new ideas. I can't keep up with it and in most cases it creates so fast I am paralyzed by not knowing where to start.

My dad always tells me "How do you eat and elephant? One bite at a time." I know we've all heard that at some point in our lives. I've taken that advice, and on many occasions it works. But it would be better if I could clone myself or days were actually 36 hours long rather than 24 hours, but that would be defying creation. I know, it was perfectly made and by no means am I saying God made a mistake. But I have to ask God, "What the heck did you do when you created my brain?" Not that its inferior or I'm not proud of it. "Just how do you expect me to manage the seeds that you so eloquently planted in my head?" There are so many! Cause at this point I have SOOOO many seeds but no harvest. Or a couple of the seeds have harvested in a field that only I can fun.

I was talking to a friend the other day and I had the audacity to say, "Well, you know what they say, the grave yard is the richest place in the world. So many people take brilliant ideas with them to the grave because they never stepped out of their comfort zones." As those words came out of my mouth I was totally convicted. I have two film scripts, a sitcom pilot, a treatment for a reality TV show and a short film script WRITTEN and waiting to be shot or sold, and about five more scripts in my head that I haven't penned yet. I have a children's book I have written that needs illustration. A blog that is being neglected. A radio show idea waiting to find time to creep into my schedule. A coffee table book that is halfway finished (waiting for me to finish the photography section) and probably about 4 more book ideas in my head that are just sitting there. Actually this week I was encouraged to finish one of my book proposals (progress :)). Not to mention my one women show that is about 75% finished. Two pieces of artwork I've painted that need framing. And two business ideas that are just waiting for the business plan to be written. I'm sure I have missed something. The crazy thing about this, is that list is the list of things I have actually decided to do. I'm not mentioning the many other half-baked ideas that I may not ever get to in my lifetime. I get tired just thinking about all of them. If I were to die today. The grave yard would once again increase its value.

No, seriously. I will soon be starting my creative journey once again,but this time I must have a concise plan. Or I will keep juggling all these ideas, for what, just to say I can juggle? ppff..that's nothing. Juggling is not doing. Thinking is not doing. Doing is doing, and I know God's gonna do God...but I have to do my part too. Shoot even the fishermen had to cast their nets to be blessed with an abundance of fish. I guess I just have to determine which side of the boat I will cast my net first. Instead of dragging the net through the sea in a speed boat...the net will break and I will have NO fish. ...or casting so many nets they get tangled and all the fish get away...or...okay you get the point. I WILL conquer the underachieved overachiever syndrome.

The way my brain works, it doesn't just create things for me. When people talk to me, my mind spins out of control with ideas for THEM too. Oh my!!! wheeew... So I ask what am I to do? One bite at a time, right? Of course! I need a manager. Someone to manage my crazy ideas and get me focused on the straight and narrow. Or maybe I need to sit down and do a business plan for my life. Aaa haa!! That sounds like a good idea with projections and plans and schedules and budgets - I already have budgets...eeerrgghh!! see I'm doing it again. Creating something more for me to do. My mind is like Tetris constantly moving, creating, running, flying, soaring, thinking, ticking, conforming, transforming, arranging, and re-arranging pieces of the puzzle of my life. Oh me oh my!! I must tame this dragon. I am determined to get this creative monster by the horns and ride it off into the sunset of completion.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Letter of Love

Adonai T'suri v'go'afi, my love for you exceeds my wildest dreams. The mere presence of you takes the breath you give me away. Overwhelmed by your presence I will never be able to put the magnitude of my love in words. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for giving me rest that restores my soul. Adonai Ro'i you came for me when I didn't feel I deserved you, and you wrapped me in your love so tight the warmth filled my soul satisfying the chill of loneliness as if it were a heated blanket on a snow filled day. I cherish every moment I spend with you. Elohei Ma'uzzi, our relationship has grown to new heights I now know what true love is and what it feels like to know someone has my back, front and all sides. I am the luckiest woman alive. No other will ever be able to compare to what you have shown me. You lead me, you lift me when I'm down, you encourage me and protect me. You shield me, hold me when I'm hurt and cherish my mere existence. Your love gives me goose bumps. You complete me. There is no me without you. Peleh yo'etz, I could have never made it without you. I honor and cherish you. I love you and thank you for loving me. Adoni, I never knew I could love you like this.