Tonight I was thinking about loyalties and allegiances... and passion. And I asked myself, "Is a lack of loyalty or allegiance a symptom of a lack of passion?" A lack of enthusiasm toward that which one "thinks" they are aligned? Okay, maybe its late and I am speaking in code. But here goes.
Let's think of ourselves as little countries. When we form an alliance/allegiance with another country it is because we have common interests with that other country. Because we will like the idea of that other country watching our back side when the troops are storming the beach. Or in war the two countries can pool their resources and not fight the war alone. They ban together to insure the boundaries are not crossed by those who are not in allegiance.
For example Britian, Russia, and France formed an allegiance in World War I. Now when Germany invaded France on French soil. Russia backed them. The Russian troops came in and tried to help defend France on french soil since they had agreed to be allies. I can only imagine if Russia would have said to France, "Oh, wow this is your beef. You can handle it. We will just hang out over here while you handle that. We may loose some troops in battle. Not gonna interfere." That wouldn't have been cool considering they were allies. And, let's just say Russia did decide not to fight along France would they have, then, been considered a German ally? Either you are in loyal allegiance or you are not. There is no in between.
Needless to say. You are either an ally or your not, when you look at it in these terms. We all know Switzerland is Neutral. They have declared that. So there is no way they can have allegiance/loyalty to anyone but themselves. I am sure being neutral serves us all in some way. We should all stop to consider the allegiances we make. Some will serve us. Some harm us. In being neutral we will never be able to fully experience that allegiance that could have served us.
In my annoyance of loyalty, allegiance and passion, tonight....after pulling out my two cents and a soap box, I had to also pull out my mirror. I looked in it and ask myself "Am I too a human Switzerland?" Is this why the lack of it in others annoys me? Maybe loyalty is just overrated.
Check out these definitions. Being neutral is the absence of loyalty and allegiance.
loy·al·ty (loi